
More companies needn’t mean more complexity

Co-insurance transactions can benefit from eAccounting tools

With several transacting parties in a co-insurance arrangement, complexity often creeps in where clarity should prevail.

WCL’s Co-insurance solution for enabledAccounting resolves the issues to make co-insurance swifter, less confusing, and altogether more manageable.

Leading by example

Insurers who act as ‘lead’ within a co-insurance arrangement often find the accounting, reconciliation and movement of money between themselves and their ‘follow’ co-insurers to be complex, delayed and difficult to control. 

WCL’s Co-insurance solution uses both the Sender and Receiver capabilities of enabledAccounting to support transactional reconciliation and settlement across Co-insurers. 

Simplification for all

Using enabledAccounting as the platform, co-insurance transactions are automatically identified and extracted from the lead co-insurer’s underwriting system.

Relevant Technical Account messages can then be reviewed and automatically sent, and the sending co-insurer can manage responses from follow co-insurers.

To further simplify the process, messages for both sender and receiver can be grouped by contract — and a bulk send option is a natural next click.

For further information, please contact one of the WCL team today:

+44 (0)20 3908 3200 |

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